Monday 24 June 2013


Nothing can be comparable to home made goodies. And there is nothing more admirable to the aroma of freshly baked bread. Soft and fresh out of oven HEAVEN! I love to try different folds, trick and techniques with my bread dough. Here I am sharing few which I had tried some time ago. I hope you like it.


  • Plain Flour 4 cups
  • Active Dry yeast 1 Tbsp
  • Sugar 4 tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Milk Powder 2 Tbsp
  • Ghee 1/4 cup (one-forth cup)
  • Water as required ( I used almost one & one forth cups)


1) Add yeast + sugar in a cup with Luke warm water* to proof*.
2) Sieve the flour.Add in salt + milk powder.
3) Add in ghee & stir it to incorporate the flour with ghee.Rub it between your palms to make it look like bread crumbs
4) When the yeast has proofed,add this solution in the flour & knead it to a soft dough,using more water if required.
5) Grease a bowl with oil*,add in the dough. Wrap it with cling film or a lid or a wet towel & place it somewhere warm* until double in volume.
6) Take a ball of dough & spread it to roll it over a sausage.

 Slice it. 

Shape it & rest it again until double in volume.

7) Top with grated cheese( I added a hint of chilli flake to extra spiciness) and fresh dill.Bake it until the desired colour has achieved at 210C(425F or gas mark 4)in a pre-heated oven.Bake it for 5mins on 210C then reduce the oven to 190C & bake further for 10-15mins.


*The temperature of the water should be luke warm,it shouldn't be hot because hot water affect the yeast.The weather has been very hot these days here so I used normal tap water for this.And during winter I simply micro some water to Luke warm or sometime heat it a bit on stove.But with either way the water should be bearable to touch.

*Proofing is basically testing the viability of yeast.If you see a layer of foam over the solution then the yeast is viable & if there is no form then the yeast has expired..& always remember for a successful recipe the bread need to rise & that can only be achieved by fermenting the dough using an active dry yeast & by proofing you can easily judge the yeast whether its active or dead.

*Greasing the bowl helps the dough to come our easily & prevent sticking to the walls of the bowl.

*I always place my dough to proof in either oven(obviously off) or microwave..some people suggest putting it on top of the fridge or kitchen cabinet also works.

*For best results DO NOT check before 10-12 mins or else wise the oven heat 'll be lost.

*You can brush the hot bread with butter or olive oil,this gives a perfect gleam yo the finished bread.


Fareeha Furhan.

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