Wednesday 12 September 2012

Chicken Nuggets

Crispy outside ,Moist and tender inside ,succulent chicken nuggets is a true delight for all and an absolute favourite of kids.Its my little girl top pick too,although she is so fussy about what she eats but loves Chicken Nuggets and whenever ask for breakfast and lunch options she demands Chicken Nuggets.I always prepare a batch beforehand and freeze them,its convinient to use later for Breakfasts,kids lunch boxes , on lazy day lunch for kids with some peas or French fries and with evening tea.I mean its so versatile to use and handy to keep.

I come across this quick version  of making chicken nuggets few days earlier , when my poor lilttle angle  was not feeling well(she was running a temperature) and was insisstent to have nothing except chicken nuggets for breakfast and i ran out of stock.At first i though to go and bring the market ones , readily available these days but then come across the idea of preparing it myself at home,with safe and healthy products .I infact have a pretty good recipe for chicken nuggets but that obviously is time consuming.As Necessity is the mother of invention , i managed to make it in less than 30 mins( from scratch ) and it comes out well,she loved it and took the medine afterwards ,i sighed with relief.

As for the recipe all you need is

  • Chicken breast 400g
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Oil 1tbsp
  • Worchestershire sauce 1tbsp
  • Thyme 1tsp
  • Sugar 1/2tsp
  • Garlic 2cloves(crushed)
  • Ginger 1/4inch(crushed)
  • Chicken powder 1/2tsp
  • Egg 1
  • Flour 1/2 cup
  • Bread crumbs
  • Oil  for frying

Wash & pat dry the chicken breast.Trim the extra meat.Now take a steak hammer & a plastic sheet & smack the breast with the hammer..

It 'll look like this ,flatten & well proportioned meat thoroughly.Prick it all over with sharp knife or with fork.

Now cut it into small chunks as much as you want the size of Nuggets to be.

Mix everything except egg ,flour & bread crumbs.

Mix well & rest it in the fridge for at least 1hr.I didn't rest it when made in hurry but its better to rest it for some time to help the flavour get into the meat.

Now for the coating ,you 'll need flour ,beaten egg & bread crumbs.

First coat the merinated pieces in flour.Tap & shake off the excess flour.

Then straight for an egg wash & into the bread crumbs.Coat well & shake off the excess.

Repeat with the rest.At this stage you can freeze them.For that take a freezable container & place the nuggets in layer using polythene sheets in between(to prevent them from sticking each other) & freeze until desire.

There is two ways of cooking them.You can fry them or bake them.I went to the fried option because it's a quicker one but those who are health conscious can also bake them.
Heat oil in a shallow pan on a low flame, add in the nuggets & cover it with the lids for 2mins.Remove lid & cook on medium flame until golden.Take out & drain well.


Alternatively you can also fry these with 1tbsp olive oil on hot griddle until golden for a less fat free version.

& in no time your home_made crispy ,golden ,tender & juicy nuggets are ready.

Serve it with the dip of your choice.

  • Chicken breast 400g
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Oil 1tbsp
  • Worchestershire sauce 1tbsp
  • Thyme 1tsp
  • Sugar 1/2tsp
  • Garlic 2cloves(crushed)
  • Ginger 1/4inch(crushed)
  • Chicken powder 1/2tsp
  • Egg 1
  • Flour 1/2 cup
  • Bread crumbs
  • Oil  for frying
  1. Wash & pat dry the chicken breast.Trim the extra meat.Now take a steak hammer & a plastic sheet & smack the breast with the hammer using the plastic sheet in between the hammer & the breast..
  2. Prick it all over with sharp knife or with fork.
  3. Cut it into small chunks.
  4. Mix everything except egg ,flour & bread crumbs & rest in the fridge for 1hr.
  5. Coat the merinated pieces in flour & shake off the excess flour then in egg wash & bread crumbs.
  6. Fry it on medium flame until golden.
  7. Serve it with the dip of your choice.


Fareeha Furhan.

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