Sunday 23 June 2013


Summer is at its peak and there is a variety of fruits available in supermarkets, and I am loving each one of these. Specially MANGOES, which I was eagerly waiting, and FINALLY got my hands on it and is enjoying it to the fullest.And not to forget to mention here lychee, peaches, apricots, cherries, falsay (Grewia asiatica) and plums. All garden fresh and crisp. We are blessed here. Alhamdillilah!
The recipe which I am sharing today is a Sherbet made with fresh plums. I saw this recipe online and was much fascinated by the idea of making something with fresh ingredients, which is natural and does not contain any preservatives. This sherbet is really refreshing and have chilling effect on body and health. It also protects oneself from the severe heat and humidity.


  • Fresh Plums 1 kg
  • Sugar 750 g - 1 Kg ( I added 1 kg but find it extra sweet so I suggest use 750g)
  • Water 1 litre
  • Plum essence 1tsp
  • Red food colour (optional)


  1. Wash the fresh plums in water.
  2. Add this to a pot with water and give them 2-3 boil.
  3. Turn off the flame and pass them through a sieve.
  4. Now pour the drained liquid back in the pot and cook them further with sugar until slightly thickened.
  5. Remove and add plum essence and food colour.
  6. Let cool.
  7. Store in a sterilise container.
  8. When required pour sherbet in a glass, add ice cubes/crush ice, fill with water, with some black salt in it. For additional flavour squeeze half a lemon in it.
ENJOY your beat the heat beverage.

This little man didn't even wait to let me finish my photo shot and jumped right in to grab his glass(lol)

 Here is another click for you.

Fareeha Furhan.

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